Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
The Church In Birmingham
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
Topical Messages
The Green Letters Study
'esher Studies
Prophesy Studies
Abide in Christ Study
Where We're At & Where We're Going 5-31-2020
Father's Day Adjunct to Romans 1 & 2 6/21/2020
Church Business 10/4/2020
Correction: How God Fixes Unbelief 10/11/2020
Woe to those who go down to Egypt 11/4/2020
Communion Sunday 11-22-2020
HOPE Romans Ch 15 v13 12/13/2020
Where the LORD Is Taking Us Next 1/3/2021
How do I know GOD's will? 1/17/2021
The Battle to Believe - Daniel Ch10 & Ephesians Ch6 v10~20 1/24/2021
Biblical Basis for Pre-Tribulation Rapture 1-31-2021
A Wise Son Makes a Glad Father. 2/7/2021
Encourage One Another 2/21/2021
Childrens Ministry 3/7/2021
The Just Shall Live by Faith 3/14/2021
Time of Jacob's Troubles 3/28/2021
Eschatology cont. - Matt Ch 24 v 12 4/25/2021
Praying Like Jesus - Mark Ch1v35 5/23/2021
Point of Grace - Communion Sunday 6/6/2021
The Days of Lot 6/27/2021
Trials, Consequences & Fellowship 8/8/2021
Rebuke - Hardness of Heart 10/24/2021
The State of the World We Live In 1 of 2 12/26/2021
The State of the World We Live In 2 of 2 (State of The Church) 1/2/2022
I Want to See Jesus - Lord's Supper 3/13/2022
Positional Truths - You Already Have It 3/30/2022
2 Corinthians 5:17 - God's Economy, Manifest? 04/2/2022
Positional Truths - You can't do it 04/13/2022
Positional Truths - He Will do it 4/27/2022
Positional Truths - Includes Suffering 5/4/2022
The Scariest Prophesy in all of Scripture - Matthew Ch7 v21~23 7/17/2022
The Cross of Christ - Communion 7/24/2022
More Jesus 7/31/2022
To Be Led by Holy Spirit is Like... 8/7/2022
Which side are you on? 8/21/2022
Truth Is... 8/31/22
John Ch 17 - A Prayer for Our Church 10/16/2022
Judge not... Grow NOT 12/14/2022
Press On 12-18-2022
Components of Apostles Doctrine 1/8/2023
Acts Ch 2 v 42 Steadfast Fellowship. 1/15/2023
Acts Ch 2 v 42 - Breaking of Bread 1/22/2023
Acts Ch 2 v 42 - Steadfast Prayer 1/29/2023
Easter Sunday John Ch 9 v 35 thru Ch 10 v 18 - Life More Abundantly - 4/9/2023
The Power of God 10/15/2023
The Path Forward - Prov 4:18 8/18/2024
Communion Service Message 12/1/2024
Teach Us, Cause Us to Recieve & Trust 12/8/2024
Teaching the full co
of God...