Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
The Church In Bi
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
Wednesday Teaching
Sunday Teaching
Topical Teaching
The Book of Acts
Acts Ch 1 v1~14 (Continuing Work of Jesus) 8/10/2022
Acts Ch 1 v1~14 (His witness in Us) 8/14/2022
Acts Ch 1 v15~26 (Wait, But for How Long?) 8/17/2022
Acts Ch 2 v1~13 (Whatever Could This Mean?) 8/24/2022
Acts Ch 2 v1~13 (The temple of the Holy Spirit) 8/28/2022
Acts Ch 2 v5~41 (What is Your Response) 9/7/2022
Acts Ch 2 v 42~47 9/14/2022
Acts Ch2 v40-47 Foundations for His Church 1/1/2023
Acts Ch 2 v 40~47 9/18/2022
Acts Ch 3 v1~9 (Rise Up) 9/25/2022
Acts Ch4 v1~37 (Boldness) Wed 9/28/2022
Acts Ch 4 - Division or Healing? 10/2/2022
Acts Ch 5 v1-16 Dangers of Self in the Form of Hypocrisy 10/5/2022
Acts Ch 5 v1-11 The Enemy in the Camp 10/9/2022
Acts Ch 5 v11-42 Fruit Two Ways 10/19/2022
Acts Ch 5 v22-32 - To Obey Is Better than Sacrifice 10/23/2022
Acts Ch 6 - Pressures from Within & Without 10/26/2022
Acts Ch 6 - Making Disciples 10/30/2022
Acts Ch 7 11/2/2022
Acts Ch 7 v 48-60 Heaven Opened 11/6/2022
Acts Ch 8 - What is your response
Acts Ch 8 v9-38 - Simon or Phillip, Who is in Your Heart 11/13/2022
Acts Ch9 v 1-31 - Faith is Far Better 11/16/2022
Acts Ch 9 v1-17 - Hard to Kick Against the Goads 11/20/2022
Acts Ch9 v31 ~ Ch11 v18 The Continuing Work of Jesus 11/23/2022
Acts Ch 9 v32 thru Ch 10 v 21 11/27/2022
Acts Ch 11 v19 thru Ch12 v 25 11/30/2022
Acts Ch11 v19 ~ Ch12 v5 12/4/2022
Acts Ch 13 12/7/2022
Acts Ch13 v1~4 Being Lead by the Holy Spirit 12/11/2022
Acts Ch 14 12/21/2022
Acts Ch15 v1~35 12/28/2022
Acts Ch 15 v 36 - Ch 16 v19 - The Enemy in the Camp 1/11/2023
Acts Ch 16 - The Enemy to Our Understanding 1/18/2023
Acts Ch 17 2/1/2023
Acts Ch 17 v 11 - Noble or Ignoble? The Choice is Yours 2/5/2023
Acts Ch 18 v 1-6 - When the Spirit Leads... 2/12/2023
Acts Ch 19 v 1-20 - A Tale of Two Kingdoms 2-15-2023
Acts Ch 19 v 1-20 - Idolatry 2/19/2023
Acts Ch 19 v 21-41 - The Empire Strikes Back 2/22/2023
Acts Ch 19 v 21-34 Stand in the Ways 2/26/2023
Acts Ch 20 v1~38 - What is your perspective? 3/1/2023
Acts Ch19 v 23-41 - The Power of Darkness 3/5/2023
Acts Ch21 v 1-36 3/8/2023
Acts Ch20 v 24 - None of These Things Move Me 3/12/2023
Acts Ch 21 v31 thru Ch 23 - Is a Servant Greater Than His Master? - 3/15/2023
Acts Ch 23 v 11 - Jesus, NOW, More Than Ever 3/19/2023
Acts Ch 23 v35 thru 26 'Speaking Truth to Power' - 3/22/2023
Acts Ch 24-26 - Who Is In Charge? 3/26/2023
Acts Ch 27 to Ch 28 v 14 - Do You Believe? 3/29/2023
Acts Ch 27 - Shipwreck 4/2/2023
Acts Ch 28 v17~31 - Finishing Well 4/5/2023